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I lost a job… what now?

Written by Manpower SK | Mar 5, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Did you lose your job in these unpredictable times? It is natural that at first, this situation may seem hopeless, especially if you liked your job and worked for several years in the same company.

If you need time to deal with an unexpected uncomfortable situation, have some. However, bear in mind that it is important to set the limits.


Do what usually helps you in uncomfortable situations. Talk about your problems with your loved ones, cook something good, fix the thing at home that you have wanted to fix for a long time, read a book that you did not have time for, or just have some chocolate and watch tv for a few days until… you fully accept the fact that you lost a job.

Our tipIf you do not want to pay for health insurance by yourself, do not forget to register at the relevant labor office, ideally within 7 working days. If you miss the deadline, you will not be registered until you fill in the request form personally, not right after you become unemployed.  


Try to perceive the job loss  as a new experience and time for a change

You just got time to try new things or improve in whatever you like to do. Incorporate relaxation into your daily routine: the active one is the best. Try to find a balance between enjoying your free time, improving your skills, and looking for a new job.


Don´t forget to stay active

It is reasonable to relax when you finally have time for it. However, relaxation has a different meaning for different people. While someone relaxes during a yoga class or running, others may prefer a comfortable chair, favorite book, or just a cup of hot tea. Find the type of relaxation that best suits you. If you prefer passive relaxation, be careful and do not confuse relaxation with complete inactivity.


Create a new daily routine

Time for work and domestic duties was clearly defined in your daily routine. Now, as you lost your job, you have more time than ever before. If you are a bit lost and do not know what to do with all the time, it is all right. It will take some time to find a new routine. For example, try starting your day the way you did when you had a job. Change your clothes right after you wake up, make a cup of tea or coffee, and think about what you want to do in a day. Build your daily routine in small steps.


Train your mind

Nowadays, if you want to educate yourself from home, you can choose from various online channels. There are many of them which offer online courses for free. Language, artistic, professional, IT courses, or training to improve your soft skills. It is up to you to decide what you want to improve in. Moreover, you can mention the certificates in your CV and impress your potential employer. Personnel workers know that self-education is a key to success in today’s fast-changing world of work.


Be open to all possibilities: use the services of a personnel agency

Personnel agencies look for suitable job positions for a wide range of candidates. A good personnel agency will provide you with something extra: a consulting service and support, as a consultant knows the requirements of the client. At Manpower, the service is always free of charge for every job seeker when looking for a job and even after finding one. All you need to do is to write a short email to, stating the job you are interested in, and attach your CV. Our professional Manpower consultants will further contact you and inform you about suitable job positions for you.


Take advantage of social networks

Nowadays, it is possible to find a job through social networks. It is common for marketing and personnel departments to use Facebook or Instagram. To keep intensive contact with the world of work, LinkedIn is the most suitable source: if you don´t have an account yet, this is the right time to create one. Why? It is a platform where you can connect with your former classmates, colleagues or find information about free job positions that best suit your profile. Many personnel workers use this platform to search for talents. One more reason for you to create an account. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile in your resume. HR worker will appreciate the information.


Work on your CV and do not underestimate your cover letter/accompanying email

It is an ideal time to update the visual of your CV and also its content. There are many guides on how to write a good CV, choose the one you like best and customize it. What is a cover letter and why is it good to pay attention to it? It is a brief explanation of why you chose the position in the company, why it impressed you, and why you think you are a prospective candidate for the position. In the cover letter, you should also mention some specific work achievements regarding your skills and abilities that helped you achieve your goals. Every HR specialist will appreciate, if you send a cover letter with your CV, even though the company does not require it. You will show your interest in the position. Always write a new cover letter to each job position.

Our tip: A great trick to make sure your CV is well-prepared is to always tailor it to the requirements mentioned in the job offer. Highlight the necessary skills, do not mention unnecessary information or job positions that are older and have nothing to do with the one that you are currently applying for. Applying to several positions with the same CV may not be a winning strategy.


It is unnecessary to apply to several job positions

Do not apply to every single position. Choose those most interesting and most suitable for you and those that match your skills and experience. In this case, less might be more.
If the personalist contacts you and you do not have any idea what he is talking about, you might lower your chances of getting the job. He might have a feeling that this position is just an alternative for you. Do not hesitate to print out the job offers and have them somewhere close. You will be ready for a call interview anytime.
One more thing: if the personalist calls you at the wrong time, e.g. when you are in a noisy environment or busy with something, there is nothing wrong if you ask him to call you later.