Increase your chances of getting a job. 6 tips on how to write a good CV

Have you just graduated from University? Are you looking for a job? Have you sent out lots of CVs, but the number of responses is lower than you expected? Then this short article is just for you. Our proven tips on how to write a really good CV will help you succeed and find the job you wish for.


1. Keep an eye on grammar and stylistics

It might sound a bit shabby, but it is important to make sure your writing is grammatically correct. Before you meet with a personnel worker, your CV is the first and so far the only thing that represents you. And you don´t want to keep all the attention to the grammar mistake in your resume. The personnel clerk will notice the mistakes, such as typos, the use of non-standard language, grammatical mistakes, or stylistic mistakes.

What can you do? – Read the text once again and correct the mistakes

You can use a grammar checker in a text editor that will help you find the mistakes. The internet offers you a lot of online grammar checkers that are free and you don´t even have to install them into your computer. You can also ask someone to help you. This kind of independent look can help you find the mistakes which you, as the author, can´t see.


2.The way it looks matter

The content of the CV is important.

However, bear in mind that a person (even a personalist) is a visual creature, so it is important to „wrap“ the content in a nice package, to create an attractive and easy-to-read form.

Think of what you want – to make your CV stand out among others and to impress the personnel clerk.

What kind of resume will catch the employer´s eye? The one that is pleasant and easy-to-read, structured, and without any unnecessary distractions. It is for the best to use 2 font sizes (e.g. 10,11, max. 12 points). Moreover, keep in mind that less is more, and do not overdo it with colors and graphic elements. If you can´t handle the design of your CV, or if you want to create it effortlessly and fast, we offer you several sample resumes to choose from.


3. Pay attention to the length

Mention only the essential information. First, read the job offer carefully, and adjust the content of your resume to every single job offer. For example, if you want to work in an IT company, you don´t have to mention primary school achievements.

The maximum recommended length is 2 pages.

Order your working experience in descending order, the current ones first. Comment on each of the positions. Make it short and concise, mention your duties and responsibilities. This applies to all relevant experience, including part-time jobs and internships.


4. Avoid half-truths

It is worth to be honest when writing your resume. It is essential to present all data truthfully. For instance, the level of languages you speak or the computer skills you have.


5. The data must be up to date

Your resume must contain only current and valid information. This applies not only to your address, phone number, and e-mail address but also to your photo. Especially if you have recently changed your look.


6. Get rid of unnecessary information

To make your CV look professional, provide only necessary information about you. Don´t go into details and remember that the HR specialist is limited in time. He doesn´t have time to study resumes with way too much information. It might take a lot of time to find the information he is looking for. Inappropriate e-mail, such as [email protected], a photo from summer vacation, or a photo where you have a lot of makeup on, might seem unprofessional.


All the tips were collected from our experienced Manpower consultants.

One more thing: Even the smallest details are important and can either increase your chances of getting the job or decrease them to a minimum. However, consistency and patience will bring you the desired result.

Categories: Looking for job

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