The nationwide competition for high school teams called The Business Talent Fair, winners of which are put forward to the European final.
ManpowerGroup Slovensko has a long-term collaboration with the non-profit organization Junior Achievement (JA). Every year, JA Slovensko holds a nationwide competition for high schools, called The Business Talent Fair. Winners of the nationwide competition are put forward to the European final. ManpowerGroup Slovensko took the opportunity to be again a part of the competition. This year, we took over the Leadership Award category and chose the winner of the Manpower Leadership Award.
Silvia Kováčová, HR Manager and Ľubka Gregorcová, HR Generalist, judges from ManpowerGroup, had to choose the best ones out of many skillful high school students. This year was special because all interviews were held online due to the pandemic. The role of the Manpower jury was not easy: the aim was to recognize and appreciate the power of the individual in a successful team. Silvia and Ľubka had to identify the leaders who stood out of the line. These leaders motivate others, have a clear vision and can implement it into teamwork, accept diversity, and can benefit from the individual skills of other members of their team, and create a positive atmosphere. Manpower Leadership Award was given to the following students:
- Erik Fatona – Bratislava, Obchodná akadémia, Račianska 107
- Vanda Funtíková – Žilina, Súkromné gymnázium, Oravská 11
- Janka Havranková – Dubnica nad Váhom, Gymnázium, Školská 2
- Viktor Nagy – Bratislava, Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, Hálova 16
- Erik Pekarovič – Trenčín, Obchodná akadémia Milana Hodžu, M. Rázusa 1
- Roman Sabó – Prešov, Evanjelická spojená škola, org. zlož. Evanjelické kolegiálne gymnázium, Námestie legionárov 3
- Slavomír Šmídt – Tisovec, Evanjelické gymnázium, Jesenského 836
- Filip Štibor – Poprad, Stredná priemyselná škola techniky a dizajnu, Mnoheľova 828
The winners are automatically put forward to The Young Leader conference which will take place on 22nd-25th September 2020 in Bratislava and Belušské Slatiny. The winning Company of the year is the REN Company from Košice grammar school at Poštová 9. Members of this team will represent Slovakia at the European final in Portugal. Congratulations to all the winners and we wish them a lot of success!